How 1LifeObit Works
Once you have registered and paid a one-off membership fee of £9.99 (or currency equivalent), you'll receive a receipt via your email address that you have registered with 1lifeobit.
You can now log in with your email and chosen password. You are now ready to start your 1lifeobit journey!
Please go to the index page from the member's area.
There are three options for you - Your funeral wishes, form filled memory book and the emergency sheet.
In each category, there are subcategory sections. So, for example, in your memory book, there are subcategories for About Me, My Views On etc.
Click on any subcategory and begin to input your information.
Each time you fill in a category, you will need to confirm your identity for security reasons.
It is up to you which subcategory you fill and in what order that you do it – remember to save each document
that you update- otherwise, your information may be lost, and you will have to restart the form.
Upon completing each subcategory, you will be sent an email with a link to update the form or download it as a PDF. Once downloaded, you will then be able to email and print it off for your loved ones. Of course, you can also leave this virtual.
More detailed info about each section:
Your form filled memory book.
There are subcategories, for example, about me, relationships,
childhood etc.- whilst this may seem laborious – we have found it is maybe the small things in life that people would like to know about their loved ones that have passed.
We believe this is an essential document for people who are leaving children and grandchildren behind.
It is something that they can read in their own time. In each category, you will fill sections or leave them blank, upload photos and videos.
Your emergency sheet
Your Emergency Sheet is a complex sheet giving details in the event of your sudden death, injury, or disappearance.
Your Funeral Wishes
Your funeral desires are separated into sections in which you can express your thoughts on various funeral alternatives. While general funeral plans have some options, this is more detailed and covers all aspects of death before, directly after, and your legacy.
All sections of the site are non-mandatory. It is up to you what areas you fill or leave blank.
There are down-keys options and tick boxes – within each category to make the process quicker and blank
text space to add more information.
There will be areas where you can upload photos and videos. Each time you edit your profile, you will need to
save your profile before logging off.
You must certify that this is your work, and you must authenticate your identity at the beginning of each document.
If you only want a virtual profile. Please remember that you will need to give information to your loved ones that you are a member of this website and the login and password info or a safe place they can find this after you have passed.
Where there is a discrepancy, we will ask for further credentials, for example, a photo of your death certificate, to complete the id process.
Your loved ones will be given the option to download your forms as PDFs; please supply them with the URLs to do so.
If you need further assistance, please get in touch with us at info@1lifeobit.com
1lifeobit profiles and 1lifeobit logo are legal content protected (without your content). Any copying and distribution of this is illegal and will result in legal action within copyright law.